Day 90

Today we read The Picnic.  In handwriting it was lowercase “f”.  We had another round of letter dictation and writing the room.  Sentences are getting better and better! Our own Alexcia read to the class today from one of Jamie Curtis’s latest books.  A super job!  In math it was lesson 8-5.  In science we talked about time, time in the sense of a long time ago, last year, last month, and yesterday.   Also what we could do now that we could not do then?

Mr. M.



Day 89

Today we read Taking the Bus.  We had Miss Anna in to mentor read with the children.  In handwriting it was lowercase “b'” and writing the room.  I did sentence dictation today to test how well the children can structure sentences using their phonics and punctuation skills. Most finished their Explode the Code Lesson workbook.

They had music today.  In math we worked entirely on addition and subtraction using our connecting blocks to add and take away. We also had time to practice conventional math problems such as 5+4=9 or 7-2=5.  Again using connecting blocks.

A reminder that next week is our annual school wide food drive.

Mr. M.

Pond Life

Today we read Pond Life.  I have had the children read on their own until they feel they have mastered or need some help.  This method allows the children to read more books and to read to me either with or without help.  In handwriting it was lowercase “h”, and in Explode the Code it was lesson 9 as we build our vocabulary and word deciphering   The children had Spanish today with Miss Debbie and I got to see the last part of the class where Miss Debbie incorporated a game into their lesson.  Everything was said in Spanish and each children responded correctly to the different challenge they had.  In math it was lesson 8-4 and in Social Studies we talked about our new at-home project.  I will send you via email the details and hope everyone participates.

The children actually earned an extra star today.  This has never been done in the history of kindergartners!   They have a star in the bank to be used when they need to.

Mr. M.


Fruit Bearers

Today we started our day with a school assembly.  Miss Judy gave a presentation about Fruit Bearers and the children who helped with our donations and sales of jewelry.  We also acknowledged all the community work our classes have done since the school year began.  Our class was acknowledged for the gingerbread people we made for goodie bags for the homeless and needy of Issaquah, and our new endeavor, adopting the two service-persons  who are currently serving in Afghanistan.  

Miss Kim also gave out our Character Counts Awards.  We are proud of this month’s recipients.

  • Wyatt Prohn –  Always tries his best and is always very respectful to his classmates.
  • Ezekial Cole – His quick smile, cheerfulness and helpfulness brings delight to our classroom.
  • Thomas Paape – Has really been attentive to his work and it shows in his schoolwork.
  • Luke Thompson – Has taken his reading and writing skills to a new level.

From the school assembly we went right down to the lab to finish the MAP testing.  Today being math.

There was no Art today because of the testing but we did have Movement.  We read and talked about our Let’s Find Out magazines.  In math it was lesson 8-2.  

Everyone have a nice weekend.  Remember next week is conferences, some of you still need to sign up.

Mr. M.


In reading it was Paint It Purple.  For handwriting it was lowercase “m”.  We then went into the computer lab for our first two series of test in literacy.    In the afternoon it was lesson 8-3 on math.  I had my lesson sheets out of order and missed lesson 8-2 which we’ll do tomorrow.  I am actually writing this blog on 1/25 as report cards have been keeping me busy the past 3 days.  In science it was the color of our skin to finish the skin unit.  We have but a couple more lessons in this unit before we move on to Balls and Ramps.  MAP testing will continue tomorrow with math.  Forgive the Husky logo Cougar fans but it was the first purple thing I could think of.

Mr. M.

Our Skin

In reading we read On the Farm.  Since the computer lab was being used today for testing we had a chance in the classroom for the children to read to me from our early reader selections and library books.  Many read two and three books and I was very pleased with the efforts and improvements in their reading skills.  In handwriting it was lowercase “n”.  For phonics we did Lesson 8 along with the work books.  I have started to use a much more critical eye for quality in their handwriting and writing.  Letters should be proportional now that we are nearly through lowercase letters.  In writing I no longer accept a brief “I like” or “I love”.  That was a great place to get them started with writing, but I now want them to think of brief stories with two to four sentences.  We played a fun activity of changing one letter in a word to make another word.

In math it was Lesson 8-1.   In science we learned and talked about our skin.  What is it for?  Do we all have the same color skin?  We then fingerprinted ourselves and a partner at their table and examined our finger sizes and prints.

Reminder that tomorrow and Friday we will spend the mornings in MAP testing.  Please insure a good nights sleep and breakfast in the morning .

A sign-up sheet is on my desk for student conferences.  We are still looking for contributions for our adopted serviceman and servicewomen.  I have only had one student bring in something.  This is apart of our giving back and community help.

Mr. M

Day 84

Today we read Near and Far.  In handwriting it was lowercase “r” and in phonics we worked on beginning and ending sounds for the letter “H”.  We added to our word wall and now have posted the 100 words all kindergartners should know.  There was no music today so we did a craft based on the book Bear in Underwear.  In math we did an overview of Unit 8 where subtraction will be introduced.  We ended our day in the computer lab practicing taking the MAP test which is this coming Thursday and Friday.

Mr. M.


I Have A Dream

Today we had Fruit of the Spirit where we talked again about God’s love for us and all creatures great and small.  As well as how we show love and express love to our family and friends.  The children had art today with Miss Badiah.  We read Maria and Her Teacher.  We again did a little MAP practice for our assessments next week.  In writing we wrote cards to our own Annie Keller.  Annie’s grandfather passed away this past week and the family flew to Switzerland (where her dad and his family is from).  Our hearts and prayers go out to them and we wish them a safe return to us next week.

The children had movement class today with Miss Rachel.  In Let’s Find Out  it was all about The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr..  We spoke about what it is to discriminate against someone because we do not like the color of their skin,  or the clothes they where, or a disability they might have.  We made peace doves earlier in the week and today we wrote about our own dreams in the spirit of Dr. King.  Take a moment on Monday while home or wherever to recognize  Dr. King and the good he did for equal rights for all.

Coming Up:

  • Registration is in full swing now
  • Crazy Hair Day is next Friday the 25th
  • Parent Teacher Conferences Jan. 31 & Feb.1 (I will put a sign up sheet for times on my desk)
  • Sweethearts Night Out for Valentines Day Feb. 14th
  • Dr. Seuss Night Mar. 1st
I need someone to take the lead with other parents to put together a Classroom Basket for The Annual Auction.  Let me know if you would like to coordinate this and collect items for our basket.  We will be assigned a theme and it will be up to us to create our basket around that theme.

Mr. M.

Day 82

Today we read It Is Spring and don’t we wish it was so.  Today we practiced taking the MAP test which is scheduled for next week.  It was not so much practice with problems they might encounter but how to navigate through the test and how questions are asked.  The children had PE today.  In computer lab it was choice of Raz-Kids (reading), Explode the Code and IXL Math.

Today I administered the end of unit 7 assessment.  Please review the test results.  All did well or very well on it.  We finished our day with science and the children presenting their family eyes for us as we examined the range of eye color in families and how detailed some drawings were and how we could look more carefully the next time for details.

Mr M.

Martin Luther King – Peace

Today we read It Is School Time.  Miss Linda was in to mentor the children with reading.  In handwriting is was lowercase “p” along with write the room and finishing up Explode the Code lesson 7 and writing the room.  We had Explode the Code in computer lab.  For Social Studies we had a lesson about The Reverend Martin Luther King and how African Americans were treated not that long ago.  Since Dr. King promoted peaceful disobedience we made paper plate doves.

We celebrated IXL achievements for:

  • Thomas – 10 hours practice and 1,500 problems completed
  • Jack – 10 hours of practice
  • Rutger – 5 hours of practice and 1,000 problems completed

Mer. M.