The Parade

In reading we read Vegetables.  The children had a full run through with Miss Rachel of the Christmas Play, The Three Trees.  They will have another later this week in preparation for Thursday’s performance at 6:30 PM.
NOTE:  They want the children to be here one hour before curtain time (5:30 PM) and they are to wear dark clothing, both top and bottom.  No Glitz.

I am happy at the way most of the children have taken to the early readers I put out in the classroom and after some practice they are reading them to me in class.  The children had Spanish today and in Math it was an extended lesson 6-4.  In kindergarten we are striving by the end of the year to get everyone counting to 100 by one’s, fives, and ten’s (we call that skip counting ) and recognizing the numbers 1-100.
We celebrated the following IXL achievements in math:

  •  Ezekial – 500 questions
  • Jack – 500 questions
  • Sydney – 1,500 questions
  • Alexcia – 2,000 questions and 10 hours practicing

In social studies it was the introduction to our new unit The Parade.  It will be a celebration of culture and heritage.  Please note you will need to get a shoe box.  You will use it design a “float” for our parade which defines your heritage as a family.  Further information will be forthcoming.

Mr. M.
